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Christmas closed: Tuesday, December 24, 2024 – January 1, 2025

Family B.E.S.T. Study Program

This program gives you the information and tools you need to help your family have the vibrant health they deserve. And, with that powerful knowledge, you can change your life and your health forever, too!

“It (B.E.S.T Training) was the most enlightening, interesting, and educational 2 days I have ever spent that was ever mixed with enjoyment and enthusiasm. It has made me want to learn more and more about B.E.S.T. in order to help the people around me that I love. I am looking forward to future seminars. I’m also looking forward to a long and healthy life!! Thank you for all the wonderful tools!”

Clara Roesler (Georgia)

The Family B.E.S.T. Study Program includes:

Introduction to B.E.S.T. DVD presentation with information on how and when to use each aspect of Family B.E.S.T. Get started right now with a solid foundation of Morter HealthSystem principles, teaching you and your family the health-enhancing choices to make each day.

Family B.E.S.T. Instruction DVD step-by-step instruction on exactly how to do the Family B.E.S.T. procedure. You’ll learn the in’s and out’s of this powerful technology and how to use it to balance the body and update memory patterns so you and your family members can heal.

Directing Your Health 3 CD set giving you and your family the information you need to make good choices with your nutrition. One of the 6 Essential Choices for Life, what you eat is a huge factor in achieving optimal health. This set of CD’s is interesting to listen to and easy to follow, so good nutritional choices are something every member of your family can make!

Family B.E.S.T. Workbook providing you a guide on your study of Family B.E.S.T. and all of the Morter HealthSystem principles. This material brings all the pieces together for you and your family and guides you on your journey to vibrant good health every day.

“I can’t wait to get back to my family and my practice and share what I have learned (B.E.S.T. Training). This weekend has certainly changed the way I think about some things…and that will help me to change my life. I enjoyed every moment of this seminar and I look forward to the next one!! GIVE ME MORE!!! Thank You!”

Kelley Pendleton, DC (Maine)

Click Here to enroll in the Family B.E.S.T. Study Program or call 800.874.1478 for more information.