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The Importance of Being Where You Are

In the Moment

The Importance of Being Where You Are

William James, the American psychologist and philosopher, said back in the late 1800s, “When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.”  Even if you don’t consciously focus on your choices, your choices are made regardless.  How important it is, then, to get into present-time consciousness and make the choices now, which will get you where you want to be in the next moment, tomorrow, and the rest of your life.

And take notice of the direction “to get into present-time consciousness.”  If you have unresolved issues from the past, it is impossible to fully live your life in the present, because you are constantly fighting battles from the past in your mind and body.

And while it’s not easy to overcome negative past experiences, it is imperative to do so if you want to change your life.  The past is simply a memory created by the five senses – accompanied by feelings.  Feelings always elicit a physiological response.  There is a direct connection between a memory of the past and the body’s expression of that experience at the time it occurred.  So, every time you relive the past by recalling it from memory, you automatically activate the physiology of that moment.

Again, suppose every memory has a thought that created it and a feeling connected to it. In that case, a physiological response can occur when the memory is activated, or just the feeling can activate that same response in your body.  And this response can happen even without your conscious awareness of it!  Your heart may start pounding, your palms may get wet, or your breathing may change when you are just watching a movie that activates a memory or a feeling.  So, to really get over the past, you must be continuously aware of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily functions – for example, notice when your shoulders are uptight or your neck is tense.  Then, consciously relax and face the current moment.

This is why it is so important to maintain present-time consciousness and present-time sub-consciousness at all times.  The old adage “be where you are” is applicable here.  Have your thoughts and feelings be appropriate for present needs at all times.  So, when you feel yourself tensing up, take control, relax, breathe deeply, and think positively.  Performing the Morter Forgiveness Process and the Morter March will help you realign and balance. 

Help yourself to a healthier, happier, and more balanced present-time life!  Choose now to forgive the past.  It’s not too late to make this very powerful decision!

Link to Morter March Monday Rebroadcast: