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Raising Your Vibration

Raising Your Vibration

Raising Your Vibration

Most of us love to give praise, do good deeds, and pay it forward.  All are acts of kindness and deserve acknowledgment.  The trouble is we aren’t taught to receive praise or acknowledgment.  In fact, most of us actually shrug off praise and shy away from the spotlight!

From a quantum view, this is counterproductive.  The more you embrace something – accept a gift or acknowledge praise, for example – you vibrate at a higher frequency, attracting more of this to you.  Unfortunately, most people shy away from the praise, saying it was nothing.  Instead of downplaying what you’ve done and the ensuing praise, say something like, “It was my pleasure.” 

Another example is when someone compliments you on what you are wearing.  Instead of deflecting that compliment with all the reasons it’s really not that great when someone pays you that compliment, the best response is quite simple: Thank you!  You don’t need to go into the story about where you bought the outfit they complemented, how they didn’t have the right size, whether or not it was on sale, or how long you have had it!  Just say Thank you!  Likewise, when someone compliments, praises, or recognizes you in any way, the same response is appropriate: Thank you! 

We deflect because we don’t think we are worthy.  As humans, we tend to focus on what we don’t have – we don’t think we did enough, we don’t like how we look, we have all kinds of ailments, we have bad luck with relationships, or we never have enough money for anything.  Yikes!  Please remember and catch yourself when you slip by, stopping and just saying, “Thank you!” with a smile.  Because, by focusing on what you don’t have, you simply create more of that same lack.  By being thankful, you’ll have more to be thankful for. 

Want to raise your vibration?  Praising someone, verbally or with an act of kindness, instantly changes the vibrational mix.  And, when you learn to accept and acknowledge praise, you attract more of the same.  Ignore it, and watch how soon it will stop.  You can also practice raising your vibration by reciting this simple mantra, “I am worthy; I am special; I am a gift.”  Say it over and over to yourself throughout the day.  “I am worthy; I am special; and I am a gift.”

Link to Morter March Monday Rebroadcast