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Peace in Loving

Peace in Loving

Peace in Loving

In the grand scheme of things, unconditional love is the greatest gift one can give or receive. The mere act of loving creates a feeling of peace and fulfillment within us. It is a joyous emotion and one that is necessary and vital to your existence. History has shown that children raised in environments in which they did not receive love grew to be cold, angry, and often violent adults. The lack of love can cause extreme loneliness, anger, or other negative emotions. These negative feelings, left to grow internally, will manifest in disease or ill health.

Love, on the other hand, creates a sense of peace, which encompasses confidence, freedom, and joy. Unconditional love, given and received, promotes good health and harmony in soul and spirit. True peace is an all-encompassing experience brought on by unconditional love; peace is made known to you by your mind. Physical pleasures may elicit peace, as well as spiritual endeavors. However, the feeling of peace is one that is made apparent in your mind. It is with your mind that you consciously know peacefulness.

Love is the thread that binds peacefulness to your being. To reach a state of peace, you must achieve a balance or alignment in the three planes of your existence – physical, mental, and spiritual. The body, mind, or spirit alone cannot give you peace. Peace and healing result when there is a harmonious balance between your soul (mind and body) and your spirit (God). Unconditional love is the source of peace. By loving more and expecting less, you can reach this state of peaceful harmony.

So, align yourself with the spiritual path by expressing unconditional love. Strive to overcome negative emotions by smothering them with this love, and know that you are becoming one with the divine, universal source of energy that many of us call God when you give and receive unconditional love. Putting love into your field will attract positive and loving people, things, and acts to you. As you give, so shall you receive. You can attain a state of peace by thinking and acting with unconditional love as your cornerstone.