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It Might Be Time to Update How You See Yourself!

It Might Be Time to Update How You See Yourself!

It Might Be Time to Update How You See Yourself!

How you feel about and see yourself directly reflects your running inner commentary.  Incessant internal chatter editorializes on your every action and reaction.  “I can’t do that!”  “Well, that was a stupid thing to do!”  “I can’t do anything right today!”

Unspoken or spoken remarks such as these may reflect impressions you formed about yourself and your abilities long ago.  Yet each time they are repeated in your conscious mind, they are reinforced in the memory center of your brain that harbors your learned responses – how to respond to criticism, how to ride a bicycle, how you view the world.  Non-conscious information comes to you after being filtered through your five senses.  And sometimes (maybe many times!), this information is inaccurate.  You end up with perfect automatic physiological responses to stimuli prompted by questionable information.

Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between truth and fantasy.  All it knows is feelings.  Each time you pass judgment on yourself, you enter personal programming into your this-is-how-you’ve-learned-to-respond memory center.  And self-inflicted judgmental statements about yourself are packed with feelings.  Our constant silent comments influence all of our actions and attitudes.  From the selection of the foods, we eat for breakfast to the decision to apply for a more responsible job, personal programming lobbies keep us doing those things that ensure we continue to conform to our well-programmed self-image.

Your personal programming isn’t and shouldn’t be static throughout life. As you mature and acquire a greater capacity for rational thinking and for sorting out useful and useless information, you are in a position to update thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs about yourself and your abilities.  Internal mental responses to current situations should be appropriate for current conditions.

You can reprogram and update obsolete mental chit-chat.  One of your biggest lessons may be to realize that you are a creature that is still developing.  You were created under the guidance of Perfect Universal Creative Intelligence, and you continue to develop under that guidance.  You don’t need to contribute static to the reception of Perfect Intelligence energy by being mired in an obsolete mental monologue.  It’s up to you to ensure that the ongoing mental cues that influence your body and your life reflect the Perfect Intelligence that powers all life. 

Personal programming can lead us in directions we don’t want to go.  It can make us feel bad about ourselves and make us sick.  However, personal programming – your self-chit-chat– can also help you reach goals, enjoy satisfaction in everything you do, and live life to its fullest.  If you aren’t happy with the way you feel physically or the way you feel about yourself and your life right now, you – and only you – can do something about it.  You are in control!

Link to Morter March Monday Rebroadcast: