Indecision and Judgment – two thought-habit patterns that may appear initially to be positive are, in reality, negatives in disguise. Indecision can masquerade as an open-minded positive. Judgment can masquerade as helpful, benevolent, knowledgeable advice. However, both are forms of fear or anxiety that send mixed messages to your subconscious mind. How does your subconscious mind respond to mixed messages? Perfectly! But probably in ways that can cause you problems.
Indecisiveness is ”shoulds,” “wants,” and “ought’s,” contradicted by “cant’s” and “musts,” seasoned with expectation and anxiety. And habitual indecisive thoughts grow into an indecisive attitude. Remember, indecisive thoughts are negative thoughts masquerading as positive: “I should lose weight – but I can’t curb my appetite,” or “I want to go back to school – but I have to keep my job to support myself.” The pattern characterizes indecisiveness as “should but.” Indecisiveness sends mixed messages. It rapidly flips survival responses on and off – and keeps your physiology in turmoil with little time to rest. Yet indecisiveness can be countered by developing the habit of decision-making. The decision itself is immaterial. The act of making the decision is crucial. If a decision is the right one, it is much better; however, most decisions can be changed. If the original decision isn’t entirely on target or doesn’t produce the desired results, make a different one. The goal is to be decisive.
Decisions that are in your best interest and do not intentionally harm anyone else are generally the best decisions as far as life-path, peace of mind, and health are concerned. Decisions that follow this course usually have no adverse effects on others. However, as a rule of thumb, when you make decisions based on trying to please others or on making them happy, you’ll find that neither party is satisfied. The other person won’t be satisfied, and you, the decision-maker, won’t be satisfied. Besides that, if your good intentions are thwarted, you’ll end up feeling frustrated. And frustration is a negative feeling that weaves interference into your field.
Decisiveness is the opposite of indecision. Decisiveness breeds commitment. Commitment gives the body clear-cut instructions—no on-again, off-again.
Indecisiveness is a habit that comes from looking at the world through a murky window. When your view isn’t clear, you figure you don’t have all the information you need to make a clear-cut decision. And you’re right. The only problem in trying to correct this problem is that you can never have all the information available. You work with the equipment (information) you do have—no need to analyze every situation to death. Gather as much information as you can, then take what you have and run with it. Make a decision. Become committed. If you are chronically indecisive, learn to overcome your indecisiveness by starting small. For example, you’re going to lunch with a friend. The first question is always, “Where shall we eat?” Ninety-nine times out of a hundred (not the results of a scientific study), the answer is, “I don’t care; where do you want to eat?” “Well, I don’t care, either,” comes the reply. And so it goes. Indecision coupled with trying to make the “other person” happy. A great way to go if you are an accomplished mind-reader. Since most of us aren’t, practice your new decisiveness skills and make a decision!
Practice making small decisions – “I feel like Chinese for lunch today.” Become committed to working toward your choices as long as they point you in the right direction and don’t hurt anyone else. If your companion is allergic to Chinese (or whatever food), she’ll tell you. Then, you can make another beneficial decision, amenable to your companion and easy on your subconscious.
Link to Morter March Monday Rebroadcast: