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Christmas closed: Tuesday, December 24, 2024 – January 1, 2025

Get A pH Booklet FREE!


Get A pH Booklet FREE!

Health-conscious people frequently see exercise as a basic element leading to good health and longevity. And January tends to make everyone health-conscious and looking for ways to lose weight and “get healthy”—for a while at least—maybe even including YOU!

While it may be true that exercise sometimes leads to health and longevity, it is really more important to be healthy enough to exercise in the first place!  Strenuous exercise can cause unexpected physical problems if the body is in or near a state of acidosis (a toxic environment for your cells to function in). Understanding the relationship between exercise and the body’s pH is particularly important to these new “athletes” and might also be something relevant for you to address now.

Primarily, you need to know if your urine pH level is within acceptable limits – that is, on the alkaline side or neutral – since any proposed exercise program produces physiologic acid.  If your internal environment is in the neutral to slightly alkaline range, the additional physiologic acid is no problem.  However, if your body is already overly acidic, strenuous exercise can be harmful and even sometimes fatal! 

It really is vital that you do a controlled acid-alkaline (pH) test to determine the acid level of the body before starting or continuing an exercise program.  The pH Your Potential for Health – The Guide to Monitoring and Controlling Your pH booklets are available and SUPER easy to understand.  For this week only (1-7 thru 1-14), call the office at 800-874-1478, say you saw this email, buy a roll of pH paper, and get the pH Your Potential for Health booklet FREE while supplies last!  Limit 5, so share them with your exercising buddies!

Give yourself the very best care you can.  Explore the importance of pH levels and how easy the testing is to incorporate into your life!  That will help you make this resolution for improved health a real and lasting one!

Link to Morter March Monday Rebroadcast: