You’re only as old as you feel. Yet, sometimes looking in the mirror can make us feel a little older than we’d like! But did you know that you can eat your way to firmer, more glowing, hydrated skin without expensive creams or health-compromising surgery? It’s an inside-out job. What you put into your body will reflect on the outside!
- Fruits rich in color – such as berries – have vitamin C, which promotes skin-firming collagen and antioxidants. Eating berries can also make your pores look smaller!
- Orange seafood, like salmon, contains astaxanthin, an antioxidant more potent than vitamins C and E.
- Powerful antioxidants like pomegranates and broccoli fight sun damage – but staying out of the sun or protecting yourself from it eliminates damage in the first place!
- Green and orange veggies increase vitamin A levels, making skin cells shed faster for a radiant, bright complexion.
- Soybeans and yams contain plant estrogens, which can add luster to your skin.
What you choose to ingest is just as important as what you decide not to.
- Balance your sugar intake (which can harden collagen and lead to sagging) with cinnamon (1/8 tsp can lower the sugar in your blood for two weeks).
- Spices, garlic, and onions increase circulation and give a healthy glow. But don’t overdo them – too much of a good thing may cause other problems.
- Avoid caffeine and fried foods – they interfere with nutrient absorption, causing your skin to become sallow.
- And alcohol and processed foods weaken the immune system.
Balance, balance, balance! Too much of even a good thing isn’t better!
Are you so busy you’re having trouble getting enough of the good stuff? Add the antioxidant-rich nutritional supplement, Alka•Green to your diet. Visit our whole nutritional supplement line for more information.