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Dreaming of Retirement? Think again!

Dreaming of Retirement? Think again!

In health, the body thrives on chaos. Chaos is good. It’s useful. “The behavior of a chaotic system,” wrote Ditto & Pecora in Scientific American (Aug. 1993, p. 78), is a collection of many orderly behaviors, none of which dominate under ordinary circumstances… If two nearly identical chaotic systems of the appropriate type are impelled, or driven, by the same signal, they will produce the same output, even though no one can say what that output might be.” Keep in mind the gist of this concept: when the same stimulus drives nearly identical chaotic energy systems, you get the same result for both systems.

Chaotic completeness is the raw material of development and life. When the chaos diminishes, old age begins. Researcher Valerie Hunt indicates that the younger the person, the more chaotic the field. As the field becomes more and more organized, the person begins to age. Reduced chaos, or organization, of a naturally chaotic field is one aspect of ageing. And over-organization can account for the often-rapid physical deterioration of the newly retired.

When people retire, the amount of chaos in their lives is dramatically reduced. Of course, that’s what most “working” people look for – a little less chaos, stress, and general mayhem. But with retirement, many people become even more set in their ways than they were before. They “know” how things should be and they have a tendency to become quite negative when the world around them is different from the way they think it should be: No one takes responsibility any more; there’s no respect; no morality; things just aren’t the way they used to be. As we become older in thought, we have a tendency to become “set in our ways.” We have a firm “mind set.” Which means that our thinking is not as flexible as it once was. Our thinking becomes more “fixed.” Biased. Prejudiced. Inflexible. Rigid. When our thinking become “rigid,” we are not as open to new ideas and information (know how). And our field follows suit.

Workers face stimulating energy-enhancing situations that expose their minds to new thoughts and their fields to new quanta of chaos for the DNA to process and make coherent. Of course, “situating energy-enhancing situations” may not always be enjoyable. But they keep the mind active. Retirement, on the other hand, can be not only relaxing but also a retreat from positive and energizing stimulation. Too much relation, peace and quiet can rob us of vital chaotic energy creators. Perhaps we should uproot the retirement mind set and replace it with “reactivement.”