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7 Tips for the BEST Work/Life Balance

7 Tips for the BEST Work/Life Balance

7 Tips for the BEST Work/Life Balance

1. Be where you are
Have you ever noticed when you are in a restaurant, there are a lot of people bent over looking at their phones instead of talking with whomever is at the table with them? And how sad is that? Heads down and fingers tapping the screen of their phones, time lost, the personal interaction with others lost, and the idea of just being in the moment, lost. If the distraction is all about work, plan better while at work. Granted, there are always exceptions; however, plan not to always be the exception and to be in the moment instead.

2. Focus your time and attention on things in your circle of influence
Granted, there are expectations in most work situations that are determined by your employer. Changing these situations can have major life consequences requiring much bigger decisions. Having said that, plan to be successful with your current and present situation. Focus on what YOU do and your choices that align with your goals.

3. Determine exactly what is important to you
Discussing challenges or opportunities with a trusted partner can be beneficial to you. When two minds focus on a plan for success, it becomes exponentially easier to define and then, of course, accomplish. Often times a simple discussion leads to an epiphany, thereby revealing the importance or lack of importance of the issue. However, ultimately you must quiet your mind and go with your inner feelings. Remember, you and you alone are responsible for your thoughts and actions.

4. Get your body moving
Ed Foreman used to recommend jumping out of bed in the morning to set your personal stage for success. Even if you aren’t really a “jumper,” the point is to convince yourself today is a “Terrific!” day with affirmations and positive thinking as soon as you get out of bed. Get your body moving in a positive manner. Go for a walk each morning with nothing but positive thoughts entertaining you.

5. Stop doing things you don’t like to do
Don’t settle for things that don’t make you feel good – food that isn’t good, clothes that don’t make you feel comfortable, or “things” you don’t really use or want.  Don’t continually do things that you dread or that make you unhappy!

6. Remember to take it easy.
Give yourself a break here. Don’t assume you need to make big changes to bring more balance to your life. Simply start by spending an hour a week on your hobby, planning a weekend getaway with your spouse, or learning something new. Even when feeling overtaken by your job or commitments, you can take 10 or 15 minutes to do something that will recharge your batteries. Do something that makes you happy each day. When you get into this habit, it will be much easier to determine exactly what you want out of life!

7. Stop saying you “don’t have time”!
Unless you are about to take your last breath, you have time. It’s only what you choose to spend your time doing that is in discussion here! You absolutely choose how you spend every minute of every day. Besides being a phrase with very bad energy – what you think about you bring about after all – saying that you “don’t have time” doesn’t serve you.