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Christmas closed: Tuesday, December 24, 2024 – January 1, 2025

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Morter Weekly Newsletter  |  August 27, 2018

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Be sure to check out her blog at www.onmorterfarm.com

Click to view pictures from Morter events!

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Studying B.E.S.T. in 2018

For over 40 years, B.E.S.T. continues to research the power of the conscious and subconscious mind, S.E.M.O. patterns, and the Six-Essentials for life. As this study unfolds and advances, our trainings address the needs of our students at every level. Whether the desire is to become Certified, Elite Diplomate or Elite Master, the path to building a strong philosophical and practical application of B.E.S.T. is becoming much clearer.

There are three separate Flow Charts for three levels of study, including the Certification, Elite Diplomate, and Elite Mastery levels. Each Flow Chart has very specific purpose and function including the emotions and feelings, which are used at each level. I see the distinction with each level of study as being able to access different “Doors” for treatment. Doors refer to the access points for emotional update of a S.E.M.O. pattern. Doors are like a hallway with many individual entrance points to the mind. Your ability to select the appropriate Door is directly proportional to your level of training and your foundation in B.E.S.T. principles. Dr. Morter always said, “The ability to ask the correct question is the key to success with B.E.S.T.” Asking correctly leads to the proper Door, which unlocks the pattern and the power.

The Certification level of study accesses the S.E.M.O. pattern by first balancing the physical nervous system, and then the emotional system by utilizing 6 Emotional Trigger Pairs, followed by a Nutritional check.

The Elite Diplomate level of training goes deeper into the Advanced Emotional Triggers by actually positioning the Emotions into a gradient of intensity for each pair. The training will focus on shifting the mental energy of the person by “Asking” whether the reason for the visit and subsequent Emotion Trigger are “Brain Based” or “Gut Based”. Once the person actually thinks of Brain vs. Gut, the Emotional Trigger will shift into the appropriate pattern and reveal itself.

The Elite Master level of expertise/treatment is the most advanced level of training in B.E.S.T. This training will focus on additional “Doors,” which are opened by specific and pointed questions. By shifting the body response of the person by “Asking” whether the reason for the visit is based in a pattern of “Fear or Faith,” the appropriate pattern will reveal itself, thus allowing the correct Feeling to be identified from the entire Feelings Chart. This will subsequently allow for deeper Feelings to surface when you are “Asking” questions in preparation for the treatment. And, the Feelings Chart itself has been updated to reflect the work of Dr. Sue Morter, in order to reflect our better understanding that feelings, emotions, and all experiences are neither good nor bad. They simply “are.” Elite Master Level training focuses on who we are and being able to infuse this knowingness into the technology of B.E.S.T. The more we understand these concepts and build our foundation, the better the questions we “Ask” during treatments and the better the “Doors” we will open. Join us for the Elite Diplomate/Elite Master weekend September 20-23 to learn all of these powerful updates!
