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Christmas closed: Tuesday, December 24, 2024 – January 1, 2025

Your Beliefs

Your Beliefs

Your Beliefs

As Dr. Morter worked with his private patients, he would always begin by saying, “If you are going to be different next week than you are today, you are going to have to do something different in your life.”  Then, he would emphasize that they had to change some of their beliefs. They always asked which beliefs they needed to change. He would tell them all their beliefs were suspect, needed to be examined, and possibly changed.

Most of our beliefs are formed when we are two years old.  At that young age, we did not have the ability to determine right or wrong, good or bad.  We store beliefs as absolute truth in our subconscious memories to be reactivated in the future.  This reactivation is the leading cause of our use of judgment later in life.  Judgment is the primary negative emotion that separates us from the positive, creative (and re-creative) force.  We continually judge others, and what’s worse is that we continually judge ourselves. 

A common area that needs to be examined is nutrition.  Some examples of false beliefs regarding nutrition are:

• Margarine is better than butter
• A low-fat diet is good
• Cholesterol is “bad”
• Eating all the protein you want is good

However, the most difficult belief to change concerns negative thinking.  Many people aren’t even aware that much of their thinking is negative.  Being positive about what you think and believe doesn’t necessarily mean that you are thinking or believing positively.  For instance, many people believed wholeheartedly that the world was flat, but that didn’t make it so!  Basically, here’s how it works.  Our thoughts are the results of our beliefs, and we take action steps based on those beliefs, which results in our habits.  To change your habits and, ultimately, your life, you must evaluate and possibly change your beliefs!

Here’s an exercise for you: 

1.  What You Eat
Make a numbered list of beliefs you have about eating/nutrition.  Have a B.E.S.T. practitioner check for any “reactive” beliefs, and get your body “cleared” with B.E.S.T. or B.E.S.T. Release on each one.


  1. I believe I am allergic to tomatoes.
  2. I believe butter is better than margarine. 
  3. I believe I have a gluten sensitivity.