Discover B.E.S.T. Training
Would you be interested in learning a technique that works EVERY time? If you answered, “yes,” B.E.S.T. Training is the place for you! This two-day intensive program includes verbal instruction from top-notch Master Instructors trained personally by Dr. M.T. Morter, as well as hands-on practice and personal coaching from other B.E.S.T. practitioners.
What will I learn at B.E.S.T. Training?
Mind B.E.S.T. utilizes advanced technology developed to update higher brain interference from expression in the physical body. When emotional thoughts such as worry, guilt, fear, and judgment (to name just a few) become the overriding factor in our memory patterns, interference with the divine plan for our perfect health and wellness becomes the norm. This interference, formulated by conscious thought, which in turn becomes a pattern, prevents the true expression of our physical body’s healing capability. Mind B.E.S.T. is an advanced procedure to help identify this emotional pattern, update the interference, and then allow the body to function based on the current situation rather than past experiences. This is the core of B.E.S.T. technology. This is the pattern for health and wellness. The pattern unlocks the power.
Body B.E.S.T. is based on scientific principles utilizing light pressure contacts on the surface of the body to address parasympathetic and sympathetic imbalances, as well as the enteric system. When expressed in the intrinsic muscles of the spine as a pinched nerve or muscle spasm, this pattern of imbalance can lead to symptoms of discomfort and loss of function throughout the entire body. Body B.E.S.T. offers a non-force way to update patterns of stress and discomfort, which have been surfacing in both acute pain and chronic conditions. The Body B.E.S.T. procedure is administered in the face-down position, utilizing a leg check, palpation of the spinal muscles, and subsequently the holding of pressure points along the spine, sacrum, and skull. When muscles are balanced and the updated pattern restored, spinal muscle spasm, vertebral subluxation, and nerve pressure are removed. Practice members often experience immediate relief from symptoms and completely enjoy the painless approach to health and wellness. The body can heal itself if just given the opportunity. The pattern unlocks the power, and B.E.S.T. is about identifying the pattern and unlocking the power within each of us.
6 Essentials for Life: What you eat and drink, how and what you breathe, how you exercise and rest, and most importantly, What You Think. Choices in these 6 essential areas are the determining factor in our state of health.
Nutrition and pH testing: Determine the state of your practice member’s health in 3 minutes with Dr. Morter’s groundbreaking pH testing procedures. We will cover saliva and urine pH testing and exchange dialogue, which can be used with each person who enters your office in an easy to comprehend manner! Learn how to coach your clients in their nutritional choices to improve their pH and their health.
How to implement B.E.S.T. into your practice on Monday
So you have learned B.E.S.T., now what? Learn dialogue to introduce B.E.S.T. to existing practice members as well as potential practice members. Learn how to get your staff on board with the new technique you are offering.
To attend a B.E.S.T. Training class, you have a few options:
- If you are interested in previewing the B.E.S.T. to confirm it is something you wish to incorporate into your practice, you may choose to audit the class. Auditing means you may attend and participate fully in the two-day program. However, you are not eligible for Certification as an auditing participant. The cost to audit the class is $497.
- If you are familiar with B.E.S.T. and know you want to become a Certified B.E.S.T. Practitioner, you will need to enroll in the Certification Study Program. For more details and/or to enroll in this program, click here.
Please call the office at 800.874.1478 ext 100 if you have additional questions. We look forward to sharing this amazing work with you!